I'm goofing around currently, using the very cool Mac text to speech capability. Okay, really, what I'm doing is writing an AppleScript iTunes alarm clock program to wake me up in the morning, and in the process I started digging into this Mac text to speech stuff, using AppleScript. Mac OS X text to speech using AppleScript
Dragon Dictate 3.0 (Mac) (Old Version) - Amazon.com With Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 speech recognition software, you can use your voice to create and edit text Platform : Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Mac OS X. Narrator – Mariner Software What do Anna, Kathy, Alex, and Junior have in common? They are the voices of the macOS and they are used by Narrator, a text-to-speech and dictation app for Text to Speech for Personal Use on Mac, Linux, and - Cepstral Use Cepstral voices to listen to any text you highlight in OSX. Cepstral also works with screen-access software VoiceOver. Mac OS X - Quickly change voices for Text-to-Speech - Super User
In macOS, Postbox has enhanced speech capabilities. It can read selected text aloud for you, and you can also dictate your messages. MacSpeech - Wikipedia MacSpeech, Inc. was a New Hampshire-based technology company that produced MacSpeech Scribe is speech recognition software for Mac OS X designed specifically for transcription of recorded voice dictation. It runs on Mac OS X 10.6 How to use Voice Control in macOS Catalina | Computerworld 2 Oct 2019 Apple, Mac, macOS, Mac OS, Catalina, OS X, Voice Control Built on Siri's accurate voice recognition engine, it's been tweaked for use in
Mac text to speech voices (Mac OS X text to speech using I’m goofing around currently, using the very cool Mac text to speech capability. Okay, really, what I’m doing is writing an AppleScript iTunes alarm clock program to wake me up in the morning, and in the process I started digging into this Mac text to speech stuff, using AppleScript. Mac OS X text to speech using AppleScript VoiceOver and Text To Speech for Mac OS X | Cleveland State Mac OS X also has a Text to Speech Option which will read selected text when the user presses a user defined Shortcut Key. The text to speech option also works in the Apple Calculator to make it self voicing. It is a simpler option than VoiceOver to use for reading e-texts for people with learning disabilities. speech to text | Mac Support Mac OS X System & Mac Software speech to text. Thread does my new imac w/ os x have speech to text application? thanks pat . M. Madelin Registered. Nov 27, 2007 #2 No. iListen works well though!
Mac OS X also has a Text to Speech Option which will read selected text when the user presses a user defined Shortcut Key. The text to speech option also works in the Apple Calculator to make it self voicing. It is a simpler option than VoiceOver to use for reading e-texts for people with learning disabilities.
Apple's built-in text to speech engine is a feature without an interface. Dictater is a simple Mac program that fixes that. The partnership between leader in speech recognition, and text-to-speech software Nuance, and Apple has been well documented in recent weeks by many sites VST Speek and AU Speek are free text to speech plugins for recreating the sound of the Commodore 64 Software Automatic Mouth vocal synthesis software. Digital Future Software Company provides voice enabled and security software. The history of macOS, Apple's current Mac operating system originally named Mac OS X until 2012 and then OS X until 2016, began with the company's project to replace its "classic" Mac OS. Funkce Diktování převádí mluvené slovo na text. BSD (4.4 Lite) operating system from UC Berkeley and others for Mac OS X and/or Mac OS X Server: All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must include the following acknowledgement: "This product includes…